There are great and plenty benefits after the clients pass the test. Because the knowledge that our Professional-Cloud-Developer study materials provide is conducive to enhancing the clients’ practical working abilities and stocks of knowledge, the clients will be easier to increase their wages and be promoted by their boss. Besides, they will be respected by their colleagues, friends and family members and be recognized as the elites among the industry. They will acquire more access to work abroad for further studies. So the clients must appreciate our Professional-Cloud-Developer Study Materials after they pass the test.
Google Professional-Cloud-Developer (Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer) Certification Exam is designed to test an individual's knowledge and skills in developing and deploying applications on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Professional-Cloud-Developer exam is intended for developers who have experience building and deploying cloud-based applications using GCP services such as Google App Engine, Google Cloud Functions, and Google Cloud Storage. Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer certification validates that a developer has the knowledge and skills necessary to design, develop, deploy, and manage applications using GCP tools and services.
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The importance of cracking the Professional Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Certification test is increasing, and almost everyone is taking it to validate their skills. Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer (Professional-Cloud-Developer) has tried its best to make this learning material the best and most user-friendly, so the candidates don't face excessive issues. The applicants can easily prepare from our real Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer Exam QUESTIONS and clear test within a few days.
HipLocal's APIs are showing occasional failures, but they cannot find a pattern.
They want to collect some metrics to help them troubleshoot.
What should they do?
Answer: D
You are planning to deploy your application in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. Your application can scale horizontally, and each instance of your application needs to have a stable network identity and its own persistent disk.
Which GKE object should you use?
Answer: A
You are planning to migrate a MySQL database to the managed Cloud SQL database for Google Cloud. You have Compute Engine virtual machine instances that will connect with this Cloud SQL instance. You do not want to whitelist IPs for the Compute Engine instances to be able to access Cloud SQL.
What should you do?
Answer: C
Reference: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-external-app
You are building a CI/CD pipeline that consists of a version control system, Cloud Build, and Container Registry. Each time a new tag is pushed to the repository, a Cloud Build job is triggered, which runs unit tests on the new code builds a new Docker container image, and pushes it into Container Registry. The last step of your pipeline should deploy the new container to your production Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster.
You need to select a tool and deployment strategy that meets the following requirements:
* Zero downtime is incurred
* Testing is fully automated
* Allows for testing before being rolled out to users
* Can quickly rollback if needed
What should you do?
Answer: B
https://cloud.google.com/architecture/implementing-deployment-and-testing-strategies-on-gke#perform_a_shado With a shadow test, you test the new version of your application by mirroring user traffic from the current application version without impacting the user requests.
You are planning to add unit tests to your application. You need to be able to assert that published Pub/Sub messages are processed by your subscriber in order. You want the unit tests to be cost-effective and reliable. What should you do?
Answer: B
https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/emulator, "Testing apps locally with the emulator".
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Simulated Professional-Cloud-Developer Test: https://www.actualpdf.com/Professional-Cloud-Developer_exam-dumps.html
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